QIANLONG 1736 – 1795 Chinese Export Porcelain
An Unusual Chinese Export Porcelain Teapot and Cover After a European Silver Shape, Decorated in Blue and White, Famille Rose Enamels and Relief-Moulded Designs of Flowers and Butterflies. Qianlong c.1765-1780. The Globular Body Supported on Three Cabriole Legs with a Shaped Handle, Spout with a Phoenix Form Opening.
- Condition
- One leg re-stuck, a chip to the inside unglazed rim of the cover.
- Size
- Length : 19 cm (7 1/4 inches)
- Provenance
- N/A
- Stock number
- N/A
The teapot, with its three feet, is not a standard silver form, but you do occasionally find them. One I find in the reference books is dated 1744 although its cover is flush rather than domed and separately profiled like yours. Another three-legged form you find in the 1720s and `30s are little egg-shaped pots that were probably for hot milk. They occur in Meissen too. My thanks to Mr Timothy Schroder for this information.