In Stock
A Northern Song Cizhou Pottery Lobed Jar960 - 1127
A Northern Song Cizhou Pottery Lobed JarNorthern Song 960 - 1127
A Northern Song or Jin Russet Decorated Black Glazed JarNorthern Song or Jin 12th or 13th Century
A Northern Song White Ware Bowlc.900 - 1100
A Northern Song Yaozhou Celadon Moulded Box and CoverNorthern Song 11th or 12th Century
A Pair of 16th Century Ming Pottery Models of CabinetsMing Dynasty c.1550 - 1600
A Pair of 17th Century Blanc de Chine Dogs of FuTransitional Period c.1630 - 1660
A Pair of 17th Century Japanese Dishesc.1680 - 1700
A Pair of 18th Century Chinese Export Porcelain Salts with LinersQianlong c.1765 -1785.
A Pair of Fine Inscribed Ming Blanc de Chine Wine CupsLate Ming, Chongzhen c.1640