Sold Archive
A 17th Century Japanese Dish of Ko-Imari Typec.1660 - 1680
A 17th Century Japanese Export Porcelain Ewerc.1670 - 1690
A 17th Century Japanese Export Porcelain Ewerc.1670 - 1690
A 17th Century Japanese Jar and Cover in the Ming Stylec.1655 - 1680
A 17th Century Japanese Kakiemon Bowlc.1670 - 1690
A 17th Century Japanese Kakiemon Porcelain Bowlc.1670 - 1700
A 17th Century Japanese Kakiemon Porcelain Bowlc.1670 - 1700
A 17th Century Japanese Kakiemon Porcelain Bowlc.1670 - 1700
A 17th Century Japanese Kakiemon Porcelain Bowlc.1670 - 1700
A 17th Century Japanese Kakiemon Porcelain Bowlc.1670 - 1700